Shipping & Tracking by BravoBee

We provide free shipping through different carrier.

  • United States: USPS
  • United Kingdom: Royal Mail / HERMES
  • Australia: Fastway
  • New Zealand: New Zealand Post
  • We provide FedEx Priority shipping option for customers who prefer faster delivery.
  • FedEx Priority is not included in Free Shipping program.
  • Delivery leadtime 3~5 days
  • Real-time tracking supported

FedEx Priority: 3~5 business days

USPS: 10 – 15 days

Royal Mail/HERMES: 6-8 days

Fastway: 7 – 9 days

New Zealand post: 7 – 12 days


Tracking website:

FedEx Priority supports tracking from the very beginning.

Other methods support track when the parcel passing through custom.

FedEx priority:

  1. Parcel is picked up by FedEx
  2. Parcel is carried by FedEx
  3. Parcel is delivered by FedEx


  1. Parcel is delivered to forwarder company (4PX / PFC)
  2. Parcel is carried by commercial flights.
  3. Parcel is delivered to local distribution center.
  4. Parcel is delivered by local express company.
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